Sunday 15 January 2012

Super Mario Bros - My Opinion

Good Points:
-All the characters on the front cover, helps the audience get a idea of what to expect in the game. It also portrays the target audience of younger people with the cartoon style drawing. With Mario being the biggest we also know that he must be the main avatar/character.
-The Screen shots. They are a decent size and show parts from the different games on the actual game. Lets the audience know that there is a variety of choices that you can pick to play.

Bad Points:
-The information on the back. There is a lot less than what you would expect from looking at other video games & while at the top right corner, it tells you about how many people can play the game, it isn't that clear and I believe it would be a lot easier to have written it on the bottom so everyone would understand it.

Sonic the Hedgehog - My Opinion

Good Points:
 -The contrasting background between the front and back cover.
-The sidebar has a image of the main character. Normally you just see a title in the sidebar but with Sonic in it, it improves it alot. 

Bad Points:
-The layout of the back cover. The top half looks like there is too much space, could move the screen shots to the side and make the characters bigger/add more characters.
-The colour of the title on the back cover, the grey doesn't look right with the darker outline.